Secure Privacy Changelog

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© 2024 Secure Privacy Changelog
Jul 17, 2024

Google Consent Mode Messaging

For Google Consent Mode compliance, Secure Privacy recently deployed a new legal template.

This template ensures transparency by explaining data collection purposes, linking to Google's privacy policy, and providing an affirmative consent option.

With this release, we have introduced a notification under Domain Settings -> Framework section, as shown below:

Legal Template Notification

Adding Support for Joomla during User Onboarding 

We worked on adding Joomla plugin recently, with this release, our new users can seamlessly integrate with Joomla during the onboarding process.

A screenshot of the journey is shown below:

Jul 04, 2024

Enhancements to Google Basic Mode

Secure Privacy has been supporting Google Consent Mode since a while. In this release, we have enhanced the Google Consent Mode - Basic. With Google Consent Mode activated, user privacy is prioritized. Google's tracking tags remain inactive and don't collect data unless the user actively consents.

Enable GCM Checkbox During Onboarding

Google Consent Mode control is now part of our onboarding flow. We implicitly enabled the feature for all our new users already, but this enhancement brings the choice to the user.

Change Your Domain During Onboarding

Based on user feedback on our Streamlined Onboarding, we've added the ability to change domains mid-onboarding, giving users more flexibility during setup.

Beyond the above headline features, we've been busy fine-tuning the user journey with a healthy dose of customer feedback and a pinch of product analytics.

Jun 25, 2024

Enhancements to Data Subject Access Request Emails

  • Improved clarity and formatting: We've refined the appearance and content of DSAR request emails for better readability and professionalism.
  • Streamlined recipient management: The email now automatically includes the necessary recipients, ensuring efficient communication.
  • Enhanced verification email: The verification email sent to users who submit DSARs has been updated for better user experience.

Enhanced Feature Comparison on Pricing Page

We've revamped our Plans page to make it easier for you to compare features at a glance. Now you'll find the most important features prominently displayed at the top, helping you choose the perfect plan for your needs.

Added Alphabetical Sorting on Domains -> Installation Page

We've made finding your preferred integration even easier! The dropdown menu is now sorted alphabetically for quick access.

Other Updates

This update also includes:

  • Enhancements to Product Analytics functionality.
  • Fixes for various customer-reported issues.
  • Resolution of internal bugs for improved stability and performance.
Jun 13, 2024

Today, we have released some enhancements to our Monthly Cookie Scanning engine.

If there are any new or removed cookies on your website:

  • New Cookie Detected: You'll receive an email alert if we discover a new cookie on your website. This email will guide you to classify the cookie to ensure compliance and avoid potential functionality issues.
  • Cookie No Longer Detected: An in-app notification will appear if a previously detected cookie is no longer present. This helps you monitor changes and maintain your website's functionality.
  • Your aggregated scan report will be refreshed after each scan, providing you with the most up-to-date information. Going forward, we'll only generate aggregated reports for new scans
Jun 05, 2024

Revamped Onboarding Flow

We're excited to announce a streamlined onboarding process, making it even easier for you to get started with Secure Privacy.

Here's what's new:

  • Activate Before Installing: You can now activate your account before installing the Secure Privacy script, saving you time and effort.
  • Integration Options During Onboarding: Choose the integration method that best suits your needs, including options like Google Tag Manager, WordPress, Shopify, and JavaScript/HTML.
  • Dashboard After Confirmation: Your Secure Privacy dashboard will be ready to use as soon as we confirm that the script is working correctly.

For more information, head over to this article -> Introducing Secure Privacy's Streamlined Onboarding: A Quick Walkthrough

Embedding Your Policies

Building on the Policies Module launched a few weeks ago, we're excited to announce a new feature: Policy Embedding. Now you have two easy ways to seamlessly integrate your policies into your website:

  1. Directly from the Policies Dashboard: Look for the embed option on the main dashboard for a quick and easy integration of all your policies.
  2. Within Individual Policy Settings: Need more control? Each individual policy has its own embed option, allowing you to place specific policies on specific pages.

Google Consent Mode Updates

We've made several important updates to ensure compliance with upcoming changes to Google Consent Mode:

  • TCF Integration: We've implemented a flag specifically for the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF), as Secure Privacy offers a banner that aligns with IAB TCF standards.
  • gtag Developer ID Introduction: We've incorporated the gtag Developer ID, a key component for Google Consent Mode implementation.

We've also implemented several bug fixes and performance improvements to enhance your overall experience.

May 23, 2024

Domain Settings Update: Select Google Consent Mode - Advanced

We've updated the domain settings menu: you can now specifically select "Google Consent Mode - Advanced" within the framework choices.

Enhanced "Other Request" Form: Requires User Input and Prevents Auto-Closure

We've made improvements to the "Other Request" form in our consent banner:

  • Users are now required to enter a message in the text area before submitting their request.
  • The banner will no longer automatically close after submission, allowing users to confirm their request was sent successfully.

Putting the "Grammar" in "Programmer" (Or At Least Trying To)

We've been busy playing grammar police with our app! We've caught a few typos and smoothed out some sentences, so you can enjoy a more polished reading experience.

Scan Report Behavior: SSL Requirement for Expiration Information

In order for the Scan Report page to display expiration details for your domain's SSL certificate, the domain must have SSL enabled. If SSL is not enabled, the expiration information will not be shown in the report.

We've also squashed some more bugs and made a few tweaks under the hood. 

May 14, 2024

Policies Feature

We're excited to announce Policies, a major upgrade to our platform.

  • Now manage all your policies in one place, with the new Policies tab.
  • Generate Privacy and Cookie Declaration policies instantly.
  • More coming soon: Easily embed policies on your websites.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Issue with Google Tag Manager Script and iFrame

We observed an issue where the GTM script was preventing iframe overlays from functioning correctly. The fix is now live our production environment.

Bug Fixes

We've also addressed issues with our Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) and Payment Subscription features.

May 07, 2024

Script Installation Status

Script installation status is now immediately visible without needing to hover.

Product Update Notifications

Product update notifications are streamlined and appear only within the app's main interface.

Bug fixes

Resolved minor visual issues for improved user experience.

Apr 23, 2024

Better Detection of Secure Privacy script for Google Tag Manager Users

We saw an issue where SecurePrivacy blocking script was not being recognized as installed correctly when added dynamically via Google Tag Manager. This release fixes the detection of Secure Privacy script.

Changelog summary gets more visibility 

As we keep updating your Secure Privacy experience -- whenever there are new updates, you will now see the link to this Changlog page. This changelog page will describe the new updates, similar to the one you are reading now! :) 

Apr 12, 2024

Our product evolution continues, thanks to your invaluable feedback!

Google Consent Mode OR IAB Framework

Starting today, users of Secure Privacy can select between Google Consent Mode and IAB framework. his stems from the valuable feedback we've received from our customers!

Head over to {Your Domain Name} -> Domain Settings -> Framework -> Type to choose between Google Consent Mode or IAB framework

Improved Detection of Google Cookies in Scans

In previous instances, customers utilizing Google Consent Mode reported an issue with relevant Google cookies not being blocked. This release addresses this issue by ensuring that relevant cookies are now detected during scans when consent mode is enabled.

Apr 09, 2024

Trial Subscription

As a part of this release, we have changed the way your subscription is treated when the trial ends. After the trial, you’ll transition from the Advanced Plan to the Business Plan.

Enhanced Email Filter

We’ve trained our email filter block some spam emails that sneak through the platform. 

Tinkering Behind the Scenes

We’ve also been busy improving our public APIs, refining product analytics, and fixing those bugs that love to hide in the details.

Mar 15, 2024
  • Resolved an issue where the SecurePrivacy signup page incorrectly displayed banners intended to appear only after the user has logged in.
  • Updated placeholder on the SignUp form, which will indicate that we only accept business email addresses.
  • We also fixed some issues related to caching and the translation in IAB banner